Querying (reading) and mutating (writing) data to your graph is simple using an IDE or SDK. For bulk operations, there are tools for importing, exporting, and dropping data.

Import data

Dgraph provides multiple tools for importing data to your graph, whether an initial import to an empty graph or an incremental import.

You can also load CSV-formatted data.

Export data

If you need to export data from your graph, please reach out to support and we can assist.

Self-service for exporting data is coming soon.

Drop data

Dropping data from your graph is a permanent action and can’t be undone. To drop data from your graph, you can use the /alter endpoint.

To drop all data from your graph, while maintaining the schema:

curl -X POST https://<my-database>.hypermode.host/dgraph/alter \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    --data '{"drop_op": "DATA"}'

For more options, see Dgraph’s documentation.