While each Modus SDK offers similar capabilities, the APIs and usage may vary between languages.

Modus Local Time APIs documentation is available on the following pages:

The Modus Local Time APIs allow you to access the user’s local time and time zone from your functions.


To begin, import the localtime package from the SDK:

import "github.com/hypermodeinc/modus/sdk/go/pkg/localtime"

Local Time APIs

The APIs in the localtime package are below.

All time zones use the IANA time zone database format. For example, "America/New_York". You can find a list of valid time zones here.

For APIs that work with the user’s local time, the time zone is determined in the following order of precedence:

  • If the X-Time-Zone header is present in the request, the time zone is set to the value of the header.
  • If the TZ environment variable is set on the host, the time zone is set to the value of the variable.
  • Otherwise, the time zone is set to the host’s local time zone.

When working locally with modus dev, Modus uses the host’s local time zone by default. You can override this by setting the TZ environment variable in your .env.local file.

In a browser-based web app, you can get the user’s time zone with the following JavaScript code:

const timeZone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone

Assign that value to a "X-Time-Zone" request header when calling Modus, to use it for all local time calculations.

In many cases, you can use Go’s built-in time support:

// to get the current time in UTC
now := time.Now().UTC()

// if you need a string
s := now.Format(time.RFC3339)

Due to Go’s WASM implementation, the standard time.Now() function always returns the UTC time, not the user’s local time like it usually does in Go. If you need the user’s local time, use localtime.Now() instead.

We’re constantly introducing new APIs through ongoing development with early users. Please open an issue if you have ideas on what would make Modus even more powerful for your next app!



Returns a pointer to a Go time.Location object for a specific time zone. Errors if the time zone provided is invalid.

func GetLocation(tz string) (*time.Location, error)


Returns the user’s time zone in IANA format.

func GetTimeZone() string


Determines whether the specified time zone is a valid IANA time zone and recognized by the system as such.

func IsValidTimeZone(tz string) bool

An IANA time zone identifier, such as "America/New_York".


Returns the current time as a time.Time object, with the location set to the user’s local time zone. Errors if the time zone passed to the host is invalid.

func Now() (time.Time, error)


Returns the current time as a time.Time object, with the location set to a specific time zone. Errors if the time zone provided is invalid.

func NowInZone(tz string) (time.Time, error)

An IANA time zone identifier, such as "America/New_York".