Modus makes it simple to fetch data from external sources. The specific data source you’re retrieving from determines the method you use to interact with it.

Fetching from databases


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database system. Modus provides a simple way to interact with PostgreSQL databases with the postgresql APIs.

Here is an example of fetching a person from a PostgreSQL database using the Modus SDK:

package main

import (

// the name of the PostgreSQL connection, as specified in the modus.json manifest
const connection = "my-database"

type Person struct {
  Name string `json:"name"`
  Age  int    `json:"age"`

func GetPerson(name string) (*Person, error) {
  const query = "select * from persons where name = $1"
  rows, _, _ := postgresql.Query[Person](connection, query, name)
  return &rows[0], nil


Dgraph is a distributed, transactional graph database. Modus offers an easy way to query and mutate data in Dgraph with the dgraph APIs.

Here is an example of fetching a person from a Dgraph database using the Modus SDK:

package main

import (

// the name of the Dgraph connection, as specified in the modus.json manifest
const connection = "my-dgraph"

// declare structures used to parse the JSON document returned by Dgraph query.
type Person struct {
  Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  Age  int32  `json:"age,omitempty"`

// Dgraph returns an array of Persons
type GetPersonResponse struct {
  Persons []*Person `json:"persons"`

func GetPerson(name string) (*Person, error) {
  statement := `query getPerson($name: string!) {
    persons(func: eq(name, $name))  {
  variables := map[string]string{
    "$name": name,

  response, _ := dgraph.Execute(connection, &dgraph.Request{
    Query: &dgraph.Query{
      Query:     statement,
      Variables: variables,

  var data GetPersonResponse
  json.Unmarshal([]byte(response.Json), &data)

  return data.Persons[0], nil


Neo4j is a graph database management system. Modus provides a simple way to query and mutate data in Neo4j with the neo4j APIs.

Here is an example of mutating & fetching a person from a Neo4j database using the Modus SDK:

package main

import (

const host = "my-database"

func CreatePeopleAndRelationships() (string, error) {
  people := []map[string]any{
    {"name": "Alice", "age": 42, "friends": []string{"Bob", "Peter", "Anna"}},
    {"name": "Bob", "age": 19},
    {"name": "Peter", "age": 50},
    {"name": "Anna", "age": 30},

  for _, person := range people {
    _, err := neo4j.ExecuteQuery(host,
      "MERGE (p:Person {name: $, age: $person.age})",
      map[string]any{"person": person})
    if err != nil {
      return "", err

  for _, person := range people {
    if person["friends"] != "" {
      _, err := neo4j.ExecuteQuery(host, `
        MATCH (p:Person {name: $})
                UNWIND $person.friends AS friend_name
                MATCH (friend:Person {name: friend_name})
                MERGE (p)-[:KNOWS]->(friend)
      `, map[string]any{
        "person": person,
      if err != nil {
        return "", err

  return "People and relationships created successfully", nil

type Person struct {
  Name string `json:"name"`
  Age  int64  `json:"age"`

func GetAliceFriendsUnder40() ([]Person, error) {
  response, err := neo4j.ExecuteQuery(host, `
        MATCH (p:Person {name: $name})-[:KNOWS]-(friend:Person)
        WHERE friend.age < $age
        RETURN friend
      "name": "Alice",
      "age":  40,
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  nodeRecords := make([]Person, len(response.Records))

  for i, record := range response.Records {
    node, _ := neo4j.GetRecordValue[neo4j.Node](record, "friend")
    name, err := neo4j.GetProperty[string](&node, "name")
    if err != nil {
      return nil, err
    age, err := neo4j.GetProperty[int64](&node, "age")
    if err != nil {
      return nil, err
    nodeRecords[i] = Person{
      Name: name,
      Age:  age,

  return nodeRecords, nil

Fetching from APIs


HTTP protocols underpin RESTful APIs with OpenAPI schemas. Modus provides a convenient way to interact with any external HTTP API using the http APIs in the Modus SDK.

Here is an example of fetching a person from an HTTP API using the Modus SDK:

package main

import (

// declare structures used to parse the JSON document returned by the REST API
type Person struct {
  Name string    `json:"name,omitempty"`
  Age  int32     `json:"age,omitempty"`

func GetPerson(name string) (*Person, error) {
  url := fmt.Sprintf("", name)
  response, _ := http.Fetch(url)

  // The API returns Person object as JSON
  var person Person

  return person, nil


GraphQL is a data-centric query language for APIs that allows you to fetch only the data you need. With the graphql APIs in the Modus SDK, you can easily fetch data from any GraphQL endpoint.

Here is an example of fetching a person from a GraphQL API using the Modus SDK:

import (

// the name of the GraphQL connection, as specified in the modus.json manifest
const connection = "my-graphql-api"

// declare structures used to parse the JSON document returned
type Person struct {
  Name string    `json:"name,omitempty"`
  Age  int32     `json:"age,omitempty"`

type GetPersonResponse struct {
  Person *Person `json:"getPerson"`

func GetPerson(name string) (*Person, error) {
  statement := `query getPerson($name: String!) {
      getPerson(name: $name) {

  vars := map[string]any{
     "name": name,

  response, _ := graphql.Execute[GetPersonResponse](connection, statement, vars)

  return response.Data.Person, nil