We’re overhauling Dgraph’s docs to make them clearer and more approachable. If you notice any issues during this transition or have suggestions, please let us know.

Syntax Examples:

  • count(predicate)
  • count(uid)

The form count(predicate) counts how many predicate edges lead out of a node.

The form count(uid) counts the number of UIDs matched in the enclosing block.

Query Example: the number of films acted in by each actor with Orlando in their name.

  me(func: allofterms(name@en, "Orlando"))
  @filter(has(actor.film)) {

Count can be used at root and [aliased](./alias).

Query Example: count of directors who have directed more than five films. When
used at the query root, the [count index](./schema#count-index) is

  directors(func: gt(count(director.film), 5)) {
    totalDirectors : count(uid)

Count can be assigned to a
[value variable](./variables#value-variables).

Query Example: the actors of Ang Lee's "Eat Drink Man Woman" ordered by the
number of movies acted in.

  var(func: allofterms(name@en, "eat drink man woman")) {
    starring {
      actors as performance.actor {
        totalRoles as count(actor.film)

  edmw(func: uid(actors), orderdesc: val(totalRoles)) {
    totalRoles : val(totalRoles)